As of last autumn, a new marketing technique in the real estate industry appeared. Today I’d like to tell you about “Coming Soon” listings...
As the spring market starts to heat up in Edina, we wanted to give you a little update. Low inventory still continues to dominate the conv...
When you reach the inspection period of your real estate transaction, there are things both buyers and sellers need to be aware of. Since ...
During a real estate transaction, buyers and sellers will both pay closing costs, though what fees are included in each party’s net costs ...
We’re already getting a lot of calls from people wanting to prepare for the spring market, so today we’ll talk about what homebuyers can e...
We are excited at the opportunity to work on your behalf to help you sell and buy a home. We are ranked within the top 50 agents in Edina Realty companywide, and have received Edina’s highest award for successful client closings - the Chairman’s Circle Award - multiple, consecutive years running. If you are looking for experienced agents to guide you through today’s challenging real estate transaction, we can help! All appointments are confidential. We look forward to hearing from you!
Chad and Sara Huebener
Edina Realty
14198 Commerce Avenue NE
Prior Lake, MN 55372